NFL veteran quarterback warns 2020 season ‘will not be recognizable’


Sep 18, 2006
The NFL season is slated to kick off in just over two months and the effect the coronavirus pandemic will have on the league has really yet to be seen.

The latest news came Wednesday, with multiple reports saying the NFL is planning to drop two preseason games from its schedule to limit the amount of travel and contact.

Chase Daniel, a journeyman quarterback who is currently with the Detroit Lions, warned that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

“Many more changes coming than just that....2020 @NFL season will not be recognizable that’s for sure,” he tweeted in response to a report about the preseason.

The NFL has not officially announced changes to the preseason. While games have yet to be postponed or the league has yet to announce any kind of “bubble” situation like the NBA, NHL, WNBA, MLS and NWSL, Commissioner Roger Goodell has already taken some precautions.

The NFL Draft was held in a completely virtual format in April for the first time ever. There were no organized team activities as most teams moved to a virtual-meeting format.

NFL training camp was moved to the end of July while players began their own private workouts, even as coronavirus cases spiked in some states and the NFL players union advised against such proceedings.

Feb 10, 2020
Everytime i read something related to this virus i want to kill myself. When will the China virus stop affecting our culture ? I want this crap over with already...:hammerit

Nov 10, 2007
I predicted this. "the new nazis" lead by adoph biden and the MSM will find a way to make the NFL look so ridiculous that they just shut it down for the year.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
who? what would he know? and why?

can't they like find somebody who matters to talk to?

might as well cite Manhole
Feb 6, 2007
Everytime i read something related to this virus i want to kill myself. When will the China virus stop affecting our culture ? I want this crap over with already...:hammerit

Why was Trump praising how China handled it late January/early February?
Feb 6, 2007
He may have been misled to think they had a handle on it, obviously they didn't handle it very well though.

Why not do the necessary things to combat it here? Why rely on a country notorious for viruses to combat it to the point we won’t have to deal with it!?!? WHY!?

Can I tell you why?

Sep 18, 2006
NFL cuts 2020 preseason in half

It’s been rumored and expected. It’s now official: The 2020 preseason will be trimmed from four games to two.

Specifically, Week One and Week Four have been scrapped. The league is expected to announce the move on Thursday.

The move was driven by two primary factors. First, teams who will be playing preseason games on the road won’t want to move that many people. Second, given that no teams had on-field practice sessions in the offseason, coaches would rather have the extra time to work with their teams, and that will happen if they don’t have to worry about two extra preseason games.

Already, the Week Four preseason game is worthless (or, more accurately, less worthless than the other preseason games). So it’s really only the loss of one preseason game. And the first preseason game doesn’t typically involve much work from starters, anyway.
Feb 6, 2007
Yes please tell me.

It should surprise exactly no one that Trump would be willing to bribe a foreign official to help him get reelected: we had ample evidence that he did so with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky not a year ago. (As Ellen Weintraub, the head of the Federal Election Commission reiterated repeatedly in 2019: “It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”)

But Trump’s apparent desire to get along with Xi in hopes of a trade deal that would smooth the way for his reelection appears especially chilling in light of the fact that it might well have affected the administration’s response to the coronavirus that has now claimed at least 119,000 American lives—more than died in WWI.

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, on January 15, Trump and Xi inked a trade deal that, among other things, required China “to increase purchases of U.S. products by at least $200 billion over 2017 levels, split into two tranches: $76.7 billion in 2020 and $123.3 billion in 2021.”

At the same time, news of the coronavirus was spreading. Trump praised Xi’s handling of the virus and claimed it had been contained. On January 22, he tweeted: “One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!” And on January 24, as the devastation of the novel coronavirus came clearer, he wrote: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”
Feb 6, 2007
That deal was going to be the red carpet for him to get re-elected.

It got spoiled by coronavirus and his careless inadequate response to it.

The man can not absorb anything that isn’t his world view. And science is not in his world view. Science.
Feb 6, 2007
Trump wanted to get along with China so bad that his administration didn’t even react to corona. Heather is kind to say “may” have affected their response. It certainly did. He was praising them for handling it even after we had cases here. He didn’t blame it all on them until our economy tanked.

Sep 18, 2006
Here's one major travel change NFL teams will reportedly consider making in 2020 due to coronavirus

If one thing has been made clear over the past few weeks, it's that the 2020 NFL season is going to be a lot different than any other season in recent memory. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the league and its teams will be making a lot of changes this year, and it appears one of those changes will involve how teams travel to games.

According to Pro Football Talk, there are multiple teams that plan to complete all their travel for road games on gameday. Basically, some teams are now planning to fly to their road games on Sunday for a Sunday game, which is something that's almost unheard of in the NFL. For the most part, when a team is playing on the road, it will usually fly to the opponent's city on the Friday or Saturday before a Sunday game, depending on how far the flight is and whether a time zone adjustment is needed.

The idea behind the plan to fly on the day of the game is to cut down on any possible exposure that players and team personnel might have to the virus. If a team were to fly on a Saturday for a Sunday game, they would have to stay at a hotel where exposure could be high. If a team flies on Sunday for a Sunday game, each team would almost completely control all outside contact. Players would be taken on a team bus to a team flight. After the plane lands, another team bus would take the team to the stadium, and because the team is controlling every move, there would be a much smaller risk of players being exposed to the virus.

Although PFT noted that "multiple" teams plan to do the same-day travel thing this year, it's not clear which teams will be doing this. For some teams, like the Seattle Seahawks, it's going to be nearly impossible. In five of their eight road games, the Seahawks will have to make a one-way flight of more than 2,000 miles, and for a flight that long, it's just not feasible to pull off same-day travel. For the 2020 season, the Seahawks will travel more miles than any other team.

On the other hand, a team like the Ravens would seem to benefit the most from same-day traveling. Not only will the Ravens be traveling the fewest miles in the NFL this year, but they'll only be playing one game outside of the eastern time zone all year (Week 2 at Houston). Basically, Baltimore's schedule is set up so that it could easily pull off a same-day travel schedule for seven of the team's eight road games.

The team that travels the fewest miles has averaged 9.8 wins per season over the past six years, so this could be another advantage for the Ravens. The team that travels the most miles has averaged just 4.8 wins per season over the past six years.

One thing that makes this new travel plan interesting is the fact that it adds an element of risk. If a team plans to fly Sunday for a Sunday game, what happens if the flight gets delayed due to weather or a mechanical problem? Would the game be delayed or would the team have to forfeit? And for the record, mechanical issues do happen -- just ask the Dallas Cowboys, who got stuck on a tarmac in Philadelphia for three hours back in December.

The bottom line is that the gameday travel is going to be one of many things that's going to change for the 2020 season. The NFL has already made multiple changes, including canceling half the preseason and ordering teams to place a tarp over the front six to eight rows in each stadium. The league is also considering having fans sign a liability waiver if they want to attend games this year.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Mob enters thread, thread becomes unrecognizable and incredibly stupid

The Mobas Touch

Feb 10, 2020
Trump wanted to get along with China so bad that his administration didn’t even react to corona. Heather is kind to say “may” have affected their response. It certainly did. He was praising them for handling it even after we had cases here. He didn’t blame it all on them until our economy tanked.

Didn't China say they had a handle on it ? If all he has to go on is China's word then he was probably hoping for the best. Trump landed a trade deal and then the damm virus spread because China didn't have a handle on it, that's not Trumps fault is it ? He did his job then a disaster strikes our country and many others so what should Trump have done to stop it exactly ?

Jan 5, 2008

You do realize no matter what Trump does the action is wrong. FWIW (not pro or anti Donny Orange)

Example (A)
Trump In February shuts down entire country (which he can’t even really do himself but let’s pretend he can). The backlash is my freedoms and rights have been taken away. Outrage! I have freedoms! Herd immunity is the only way! Trump is just racist! Trump closed the borders.

Trump doesn’t take mandatory shut down. The backlash is he doesn’t care about the people and the country. We are all dying! Outrage! Lock the entire country down! Why are our borders open, keep non citizens out.

Example (B)
Trump anti mask. Backlash he is promoting the spread! Trump is a killer! Outrage!

Trump pro mask. Backlash my body my right! You can’t make me wear a mask! Outrage!

Example (C)
Trump supports Fauci. Backlash is Fauci is not credible! Outrage!

Trump doesn’t support Fauci. Backlash is Fauci is an expert. Outrage!

If Trump was really clever he would have been encouraging BLM and the entire country protest. He would endorse Biden himself. He would have made CV19 the deadliest thing to walk thee earth.

No mass protest would have happened. Biden supporters would vote Trump. And the news wouldn’t have mentioned CV19 as negative in any single way.

Feb 10, 2020
Here's one major travel change NFL teams will reportedly consider making in 2020 due to coronavirus

If one thing has been made clear over the past few weeks, it's that the 2020 NFL season is going to be a lot different than any other season in recent memory. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the league and its teams will be making a lot of changes this year, and it appears one of those changes will involve how teams travel to games.

According to Pro Football Talk, there are multiple teams that plan to complete all their travel for road games on gameday. Basically, some teams are now planning to fly to their road games on Sunday for a Sunday game, which is something that's almost unheard of in the NFL. For the most part, when a team is playing on the road, it will usually fly to the opponent's city on the Friday or Saturday before a Sunday game, depending on how far the flight is and whether a time zone adjustment is needed.

The idea behind the plan to fly on the day of the game is to cut down on any possible exposure that players and team personnel might have to the virus. If a team were to fly on a Saturday for a Sunday game, they would have to stay at a hotel where exposure could be high. If a team flies on Sunday for a Sunday game, each team would almost completely control all outside contact. Players would be taken on a team bus to a team flight. After the plane lands, another team bus would take the team to the stadium, and because the team is controlling every move, there would be a much smaller risk of players being exposed to the virus.

Although PFT noted that "multiple" teams plan to do the same-day travel thing this year, it's not clear which teams will be doing this. For some teams, like the Seattle Seahawks, it's going to be nearly impossible. In five of their eight road games, the Seahawks will have to make a one-way flight of more than 2,000 miles, and for a flight that long, it's just not feasible to pull off same-day travel. For the 2020 season, the Seahawks will travel more miles than any other team.

On the other hand, a team like the Ravens would seem to benefit the most from same-day traveling. Not only will the Ravens be traveling the fewest miles in the NFL this year, but they'll only be playing one game outside of the eastern time zone all year (Week 2 at Houston). Basically, Baltimore's schedule is set up so that it could easily pull off a same-day travel schedule for seven of the team's eight road games.

The team that travels the fewest miles has averaged 9.8 wins per season over the past six years, so this could be another advantage for the Ravens. The team that travels the most miles has averaged just 4.8 wins per season over the past six years.

One thing that makes this new travel plan interesting is the fact that it adds an element of risk. If a team plans to fly Sunday for a Sunday game, what happens if the flight gets delayed due to weather or a mechanical problem? Would the game be delayed or would the team have to forfeit? And for the record, mechanical issues do happen -- just ask the Dallas Cowboys, who got stuck on a tarmac in Philadelphia for three hours back in December.

The bottom line is that the gameday travel is going to be one of many things that's going to change for the 2020 season. The NFL has already made multiple changes, including canceling half the preseason and ordering teams to place a tarp over the front six to eight rows in each stadium. The league is also considering having fans sign a liability waiver if they want to attend games this year.

I wonder what effects this will have on Capping the games , these changes will more than likely have an effect which worries me as a wagerer.
Feb 6, 2007
Didn't China say they had a handle on it ? If all he has to go on is China's word then he was probably hoping for the best. Trump landed a trade deal and then the damm virus spread because China didn't have a handle on it, that's not Trumps fault is it ? He did his job then a disaster strikes our country and many others so what should Trump have done to stop it exactly ?

Hope for the best? Against a pandemic? Why put our country at risk? Why put us in the situation we are in now? Do you think viruses never happen? And when they do we are suppose to just “take their word for it” and refuse to do any type of legitimate response?
Feb 6, 2007
Who’s the president of this country? Xi? Putin? Who? It’s definitely not Trump.

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